Kaskela Law is exclusively focused on representing investors in securities fraud, corporate governance, and merger & acquisition litigation matters.
Kaskela Law is exclusively focused on representing investors in securities fraud, corporate governance, and merger & acquisition litigation matters.
Investors injured as a result of wrongful conduct by corporate executives – including the dissemination of false and misleading statements to the investing public – can seek to recover their investment losses.
Brought by a current shareholder of a corporation, on behalf of the injured corporation, to enforce legal claims belonging to the corporation. This type of litigation usually involves claims of corporate mismanagement, waste of corporate assets, or self-dealing, and are often asserted against the executive officers and/or directors of the injured corporation.
Shareholders can assert legal claims against the officers and directors of a corporation if the corporate fiduciaries violated their fiduciary duties in connection with a corporate transaction, including a sale of the corporation.
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